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The low light in the forest continued to dim, so that it was difficult to make out the photo in the gloom. The overcast sky didn’t allow much moonlight to the surface. Looking around the woods though, her way home was clear enough, if she wanted to go.


She tapped the phone on her wrist, and a voice answered a moment later.


“Hi, it’s Bren.”


“Really? I called you.”


Bren laughed at the other end of the phone, over other voices behind him, his sister and brother probably. “Hey Miku. How’s it going?”


Something flew overhead, a steady beat of feathers in the night, but she couldn’t make out what it was. The sound faded into the forests to the north.


“Can I sleep over at your place tonight?”


“Uh… yeah that should be okay. Faye’s over. We ate already, but you can have leftovers.”


“That’s fine. I’ll be over in a bit.”


“See you then.”


It had been twelve years ago to the day that the woman in the picture had passed away. Miku didn’t want to go home tonight, but couldn’t handle Kai either. Faye and Bren would do.

Art by Ada Musatova

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